Friday, December 28, 2012

Agenda for Regular Monthly Meeting of Bear Creek Township

AGENDA FOR REGULAR MONTHLY MEETING OF TOWN OF BEAR Thursday January 8, 2013 8:00 P.M. Bear Creek Town Hall Call meeting to order Roll call Minutes to last meeting Treasurer’s report Old business New business ______1. New budget for the year 2013 has been put into the computer. The updated payroll figures for 2013 have been completed in the records. Social Security and Medicare figures, plus some federal figures are new. These have already been changed due to the fiscal cliff in Washington, D.C. ______2. The 1099s will be mailed out to the businesses we work with in Bear Creek. ______3. Recycling charges are in effect the same as of January 1,2012.. ______4. Meetings for the Township are $35.00 per meeting as of January 1, 2009. ______5. Quarterly reports are due for completion at this time. Also, the Federal and State Reconciliation reports to IRS and State of Wisconsin. Clerk to complete these. W-3 completed for Federal. ______6. Taxes for 2012 are being collected by the treasurer. New recycling sheets available at the Town Hall for 2013. Also the Spring Newsletter. ______7. W-2s were completed by the clerk for the board and distributed at the January 2013 meeting. ______8, Highway Aid amounts in 2013 are $92,745.77. $23,186.44 is coming to Bear Creek on January 3,2013.. ______9. New Record Books for the Board were completed by the clerk for 2013. These are to be distributed at the January meeting. _______10. The Wisconsin Clerk’s Association dues are due now for $45.00.. _______11. Township Audit of Books of the Treasurer and Clerk needs to be set. Was at March meeting last year. Clerk doesn’t have the December bank statement or the numbers in the account register of early paid taxes as yet. ______12. The Town Board is to be paid at this meeting. ______13. An updated Quik Books program will need to be ordered for the township records..This will include the payroll program and update Quick Books to 2013. ______14. The web site for the Town of Bear Creek is up and running. The address is ______15. The clerk is recertified with the state and legal to conduct the elections for the coming 2 years. ______16 The state requested audit of our election machines was done by the clerk and Judy Brassington December 10th in Baraboo. Our equipment is very effecient.The clerk compiled a billing of $238.48 and sent this to the state for collection. We could have charged up to $300.00 ______17.The clerk attended the district Clerk’s Association meeting in Madison December 13th.. _______18. The February meeting needs to be set. _______19. There is an election of the February Primary on the 19th of February.. _______20. The District Town’s Association meeting for our area is Friday February 22nd at the Quality Inn at Mineral Point.. The agenda and time are in the December Town’s Association magazine. We need to register. _______21. Any other business to come before the board and pertinent to the town board meetings. ************************************************************************ Bills to pay : Tim McCluskey (2 payroll) Tim McCluskey (meeting) Eileen Eberle Marty McCluskey Harold Emerson Jeffrey Scallon Sheila Tafs US Cellular The Office Market Spring Green Auto Wisconsin Dept. of Rev Alliant Electric Town and Country Sanitation People’s Community Bank State of Wisconsin (With.) Retirement Fund Magnan Assessments Frontier Sauk County Highway Department Plain Kwik Stop Frontier FS US Postal (Stamps for town) Premier Solutions Wisconsin Dept. of Revenue (2) Sauk County Planning and Zoning Sauk County Tax Payments (2) Wisconsin Municipal Clerk’s Association. Wisconsin Town’s Association Any other bills presented and approved by the board.

Approved November Minutes to Bear Creek Town Board Meeting

MINUTES November 8, 2012 TOWN OF BEAR CREEK REGULAR MEETING The meetings were called to order at 7:30 P.M. by Chairman Marty McCluskey. Present included Harold Emerson and Jeff Scallon Supervisors; Sheila Tafs, Treasurer;Tim McCluskey,Patrolman; and Eileen Eberle , Clerk . The Proposed Budget Meeting was held with discussion of the budget. Motion to approve as presented by Sheila Tafs, 2nd, and carried. The Public Hearing of the Budget was held and any concerns of the budget were raised and defined and accepted on a motion by Jeff Scallon, 2nd, and carried.. The Adoption of the 2012 Budget Meeting was held and a motion made by Harold Emerson to adopt the budget which was carried and the budget was adopted. These meetings were published and posted. Each meeting was called to order and adjourned on a motion , 2nd, and carried.. The Township of Bear Creek then held its regular monthly meeting Thursday November 8th, 2012 at the Bear Creek Town Hall with the meeting called to order following the budget meetings , by Chairman Marty McCluskey. Present included : Harold Emerson and Jeff Scallon, Supervisors; Sheila Tafs, Treasurer; Tim McCluskey, Patrolman; Joe Bauer , Jennie Erickson , and Eileen Eberle, Clerk. Minutes to the last meeting were read by the Clerk. Motion to approve as read was made by Harold Emerson , 2nd, and carried. Treasurer’s report was given by the treasurer.Motion to approve as presented by Jeff Scallon , 2nd, and carried. Road work being done was discussed. Sand, salt,etc. ordered for the winter season. The fire-departments were paid in November for their full levy for 2012. 50% to Plain and 25% to the Town of Washington.. The December town board meeting was set for Tuesday December 4, 2012. Rural Mutual Insurance was paid their 2nd half of their premium for 2012. . Population of Bear Creek is 598 with approximate number of those of voting age of 468.. Town and Country Sanitation recycling sheets should be here for 2012 and will be sent out with the taxes.. There will be 2 Elections in 2013 in the Spring. . February 19th , and April 2nd .. The dog collection check came and this amount paid to the treasurer. The check came for the Veteran’s Grave at the Ward Cemetery and was given to the treasurer. This was created by President Abraham Lincoln. The salt contract came and was signed for this winter season.. Shelly Scallon was paid for her work at the Ward Cemetery. Clerk is putting together a newsletter for the residents. These will go out with the taxes. The levies are coming for the schools and the county for the taxes for this year and the school levies were given to the board. Will be in the newsletter. The Clerk and Treasurer attended a meeting in Baraboo on Elections. Joe Bauer was present concerning the property line on land he is purchasing and wants to make sure of his rights along the line bordering Dan Reutten. Board says Bauer is putting in a 4 barb wire fence, a legal fence where the old fence line has been for years. Jennifer Erickson of the Sauk County Development Program was present to encourage a water testing in homes in Bear Creek this coming year at a cost of $200.00 to the town. Motion to approve this program was made by Jeff Scallon, 2nd, and carried. Bills were paid as presented and approved by the board. Motion was made at 9:30 P.M. by Sheila Tafs to adjourn the meeting, 2nd and carried. Chairman McCluskey adjourned the meeting. Recorded this 8th day of November , 2012 by Clerk of Bear Creek Township Mrs. Lawrence (Eileen)Eberle .

2013 Caucus of Bear Creek Township

Bear Creek Caucus January 8,2013 at Town Hall 7:30 P.M. Agenda 1. Select Chairman to handle meeting. 2. Select secretary for meeting. 3. Call meeting to order Place into nomination , names for Offices If more than 2, Vote. 2 highest get on the ballot. Flip coin for order of placement of names 4. Nominations in order for Chairman (Current incumbent Marty McCluskey) Close nominations Select at most 2 names 5. Nominations for Supervisor 1 (Current incumbent Harold Emerson) Close nominations Select at most 2 names 6. Nominations for Supervisor 2 (Current incumbent Jeff Scallon) Close nominations Select at most 2 names 7. Nominations for clerk (Current incumbent Mrs. Lawrence (Eileen )Eberle) Close nominations Select at most 2 names 8 Nominations for Treasurer (Current incumbent Sheila Tafs) Close nominations Select at most 2 names 9. Sign the acceptance of nomination papers and the financial support papers. 2 sheets to be completed and copies made and sent to the County Clerk. 10. Send notices to anyone selected that is not present. 11. Any other business deemed appropriate to discuss and present at this time of town business. (Signing of checks if needed,etc.) 12. Motion to adjourn.