Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Approved January 2013 minutes ot Town Board

MINUTES TO REGULAR MONTHLY MEETING OF TOWN OF BEAR CREEK Tuesday January 8, 2013 8:00 P.M. Bear Creek Town Hall The Town Board of the Township of Bear Creek held its regular monthly meeting Tuesday January 8, 2013 at the Bear Creek Town Hall with the meeting called to order at 8:00 P.M. by Chairman Marty McCluskey. Present included Harold Emerson and Jeff Scallon , Supervisors; Sheila Tafs, Treasurer; Tim McCluskey, Patrolman; and Eileen Eberle,Clerk. Minutes to the last meeting were read by the clerk. Motion to approve as read was made by Harold Emerson, 2nd, and carried. The treasurer’s report was presented by the treasurer. Motion to approve as presented was made by Jeff Scallon , 2nd, and carried. The early paid taxes amounts need to go to the schools , state, and county needs their monies from this by January 15th, with these checks needing to be made out and sent by that time. New budget for 2013 was completed and placed in the computer. The 1099’s were mailed to our businesses. Quarterly reports were due at this time. W-2’s were completed and distributed to the board. Federal and State Reconciliation’s were completed, and the W-3 report. Taxes for 2012 are being collected by the treasurer. New recycling sheets are here for 2013 and distributed by Sheila when collecting taxes. New record books for the board’s 2013 records were completed by the clerk and distributed to the board. The Township Audit of the books of the Clerk and Treasurer needs to be set and was set for the March meeting of the board.Was selected to do at the February meeting as both the Clerk and Treasurer are ready for the audit.. Assessor was to come in the township to update the town for 2013. The Town Board was paid for the 4th quarter of 2011 at this meeting. The township has the sand for the winter. An election survey came from the state and was completed by the clerk,and returned to the state. The Wisconsin Clerk’s Association dues were paid in the amount of $50.00. Clerk to compile the retirement figures for 2012 and get to the treasurer , so they can be done electronically. An updated Quick Books program needs to be ordered for 2013. This will be for the payroll program.. Board to keep the same Planning Commission for the next 2 years. The DNR report was completed and sent to the state of the levies and the mill rates. This gets us our reimbursement from the DNR. The Statement of Taxes was completed and sent to the county , treasurer , and state. Also the Certification of the tax book completed and sent to the county and the book given to the treasurer. Next meeting of the Town Board will be Tuesday February 5th,2013 at 7:30 P.M. The board to do the Town Audit of the Clerk’s and Treasurer’s records and the regular monthly meeting to follow this Audit. The Board needs to be registered for the District Town’s Association meetings for the spring Town’s Association meetings. Some of the board will go to Mineral Point on February 22nd and some will go to DeForest on January 26th. The web site for Bear Creek is up and running. The address is runs for free and was put together by Mike Eberle. It has the agendas. minutes, notices, etc. for information to the town residents.. The Clerk is recertified by the State in completing the training and being registered to legally handle the elections for the next 2 years.There will be an election on February 19th and we will use a 3 person election board. The bills were paid as presented and approved by the board. The schools will be paid on January 15th with the early paid tax money due them. Motion to adjourn the meeting was made by at 8:45 Sheila Tafs, 2nd, , and carried. Chairman McCluskey adjourned the meeting. Recorded this 8th day of January, 2013 by the Clerk of the Township of Bear Creek Mrs. Lawrence ( Eileen ) Eberle

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