Saturday, November 28, 2009

Agenda for Town Board Regular Meeting Dec.1,2009

Call meeting to order
Roll Call
Minutes to last meeting
Treasurer’s report
______1. .Road work ,salt,sand, and bills for 2009 discussion...
______2.The new ruling came for new structures in the Township. Given to Harold..
Maybe this information should go to the residents. I can put it on the web page.
______3. All of the numbers are here for the 2009 levies of taxes. The last one came
Wednesday afternoon before Thanksgiving. . The amounts were levied and
gotten to the county. and in for the running of the taxes. Clerk to complete the
forms in the tax roll book and fill in the of the statement of taxes for the
state. This is due the 3rd Monday in December to the state. Treasurer to mail
out the taxes and set the collection times for these. Taxes were up for the
______4. 2 checks came. From Chris Lindquist for $50.00 and Douglas Schmidt for
$50.00. I gave them to Harold
______5. Meetings are being held in Wisconsin by the Town’s Association to get ideas
on having the county responsible for the evaluation of property. Chairmen and
Assessors got this information.
______6. .Refund came from IRS for $8.34. Don’t know why, but we are putting it in the
bank. Given to Sheila.
______7. The patrolman is to be given a Christmas Bonus..
______8. Smart Growth members are to be paid at the January meeting for the 4th
quarter of 2009.
______9. The checks are going to the board tonight on the budget meetings in October
and November . Board to be paid for 4th quarter at next meeting.
_____10. The sheet on the school levies, news for township has been completed and
will go out to the Township with the taxes. Also the 2010 sheets on recycling.
This is the Spring Newsletter. The web page address of : is to be put on the sheet.
_____11. The DNR needs a report completed on the levies for each of the schools,
county, township, and state, as this is how they base their DNR in lieu of taxes.
We don’t get this break if the sheet isn’t completed.
_____12. The January Town Board meeting will be January 5th as it is the first
Tuesday of the month.. .
______13 The tax sheet for the state needed to be completed , signed, and sent to the
state.. That we stayed in compliance with the amount of our tax levy for the
______14..The motion needs to be made to close the Township records as of December
31,2009 . This is a state law.
______15.The tobacco selling permit sheet for Bear Creek needs to be completed and
sent to the state..Even if we have no cigarettes being sold in the Township.
______16. We will need to transfer funds from the Equipment Account to pay this
month’s bills. The checkbook doesn’t have the funds in the regular account.
______17. Ballots are to be ordered for the spring 2010 elections on February 16th and
April 6th.
______18. Garbage pick-up and recycling prices are here for 2010.
______19.. Lottery Credit amounts and the new First Dollar amounts of credit are
here. Sheets run for the board.
______20. Harold Emerson, board supervisor had knee surgery this past month and we
wish him a speedy recovery.
_____21. Bills to be paid as presented and approved.
_____22. Any other business to come before the board.
Bills to pay: Tim McCluskey 3) Eileen Eberle Magnan Assessment
Town and Country Sanitation US Cellular Verizon Alliant Electric
Retirement People’s Community Bank (Fed. With, FICA,Med.)
Wisconsin Department of Revenue Sauk County Treasurer
Town Board for Budget meetings Sheila Tafs (2) Treasurer
Sauk County Highway Department Spring Green Auto Supplies
Plain Tru Value River Valley Publishing Bindl/Bauer
Tim McCluskey (Christmas Bonus) Gary Herritz Trucking Airgas
Dish Network Any other bills approved by the board

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