Thursday, April 8, 2010

Agenda to April Regular Meeting

April Town Board Agenda 2010

Tuesday April 8,2010
Call meeting to order.
Roll Call
Minutes to last meeting
Treasurer’s report
_______1. Discussion of the Spring General Election held on Tuesday April
6,2010. 5 person board used as there are several offices being filled .
Also, the continuing voter registration before voting takes time. Testing meeting
of equipment was held Saturday April 3rd at the Town Hall. Checks for
this group to be signed tonight.
_______2. Township Annual 2010 Meeting will be held Tuesday April 13,2010 at the
Bear Creek Town Hall with the meeting to be called to order at 8:00 P.M. The
meeting will discuss the roads to be repaired in 2010 and any other business
pertinent to the meeting. This was published and posted.
_______3.A date was set for the board to view the roads for the spring of 2010,
with the patrolman.. This is April 12th ..
_______4. The Town Board is to be paid at this meeting.
_______5. Meeting changed to Thursday evening due to the election on Tuesday.
_______6. The Planning Commission meetings are continuing at the Town Hall
and Ted Greenheck is on the agenda with a Certified Survey Map for Jeff
Scallon and Dan Kast . Also Marty needs to sign the Certified Survey Original
Map of Jerry Whittman and this will finalize his survey map.
_______7. The Annual Financial Reports for the Township for 2009 were run and
sent to the residents in March. A newsletter was put together and distributed at
the election and sent with taxes. More will be available at the Annual Meeting.
_______8. The State Form C is completed and sent to the state by March 31,2010 and
the clerk sent it registered mail. We have the verified notice of the state
receiving the report.
_______9. Quik Books update for the payroll needs to be sent for and will be here by
April.The cost will be $239.00.
_______10. The quarterly reports are due at this time.
_______11. A claim was made on the insurance. Letter here for the board.
________12. The school districts have to be given a complete roll of the election to each
district. We have to run over 50 sheets of records for each of the 3 districts.
These have to have a certification of the Clerk to be legal. New rules of the
state. This is Ithaca, River Valley, and Weston. Books came for Weston and
Ithaca, and we used those for those districts.
________13. Cal Magnan called and wanted to know if Thursday May 20th would be all
right for Open Book. He also wanted to know if Thursday June 10th would be
all right for Board of Review
________14. A road rating report is due on the town roads is usually due at this time..
________15. Wisconsin Town’s Association dues are due for $364.40 and will be paid
at this meeting. They also need the names , addresses, phone numbers and
offices of each member of the board. Clerk to complete this and send in after
the election on April 6th..
________16. The fire bills are due May 1st. 1/2 for Plain and 3/4 for Town of
Washington .Also fire reports for the state were to be completed by the clerk
and fire-chiefs.
________17.Lottery credit checks are due now. We only get ours anymore. The county
sends the others to the respective places..
________18. The State Recycling Report is to be completed and sent to the State by
April 30,2010. Get these papers online now. Clerk has run these.
________19. The Township Insurance at Rural Mutual is due May 1,2010. The
coverage papers are here.
________20. Untaxed lands reports need to be completed and sent to the state. Are due
June 2,2010. The ones due to the clerk have been received by March
31st. From St. Patrick’s Church.
________21. Any other business approved by the board.
Bills to pay :
Tim McCluskey (3) Eileen Eberle Magnan Assessments
Town and Country Sanitation Alliant Electric U.S. Cellular Verizon
People’ Community Bank(Fed.With,Med.,FICA) Retirement Fund Sheila Tafs
State of Wisconsin Department of Revenue Lucille Brice Judy Brassington
Marty McCluskey Harold Emerson Jeff Scallon Phyllis Meister Ken Blum
Planning Commission checks to committee (5) Sauk County Highway Department
FS Frontier Wisconsin Town’s Association dues Dish Network Spring Green Auto Any other bills approved by the board .

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