Sunday, April 10, 2011

Approved minutes to March 2011 Meeting

The Town Board of the Town of Bear Creek held its Audit of the 2010
Clerk’s and
Treasurer’s books at 7:30 P.M. at the Bear Creek Town Hall on Tuesday
March 1, 2011.
This meeting was called to order by Chairman Marty McCluskey.
Present included Harold Emerson and Jeff Scallon, Supervisors
;Sheila Tafs, Treasurer
; Tim McCluskey, Patrolman; and Eileen Eberle, Clerk.
Following the approval of the records, the Clerk’s and Treasurer’s
records were signed
by the board and recorded for 2010.

The Town Board of the Township of Bear Creek held its regular
monthly meeting
at the Bear Creek Town Hall Tuesday evening March 1, 2011 with the
meeting called to
order at 8:00P.M. by Chairman Marty McCluskey.

Present included : Harold Emerson and Jeff Scallon, Supervisors;
Sheila Tafs,
Treasurer; Tim McCluskey, Patrolman; Dan Fargen , Brent Winkers , and Eileen
Eberle, Clerk.

Minutes to the last meeting were read by the clerk. Motion to
approve as read by
Harold Emerson , seconded, and carried.

Treasurer’s report was presented by the treasurer. Motion to
approve as presented by
Jeff Scallon , 2nd, and carried.

The Form C State Report has been completed by the clerk and sent
registered mail to
the state.

The Township Annual Report for 2010 has been completed by the
clerk. These were
run and sent to the residents in March. Treasurer ran the labels for
these letters.

The April 5th General Election will need a 5 person election
board. Clerk to put
notice in the papers of the election and the testing of the equipment
for election day.The
testing will be Friday April 1st at 8:30 A.M. at the Town Hall..
The polls will be open
from 7:00 A.M. to 8:00 P.M. on election day.

The Township changed its April meeting to Wednesday April 6,
2011 at 8:00
P.M. This because of the election on Tuesday. This needs to be published.

The Township Annual Meeting will be held Tuesday April 12 th at
8:00 P.M. at
the Bear Creek Town Hall. This needs to be published in the paper .

The board needs to review the roads before the Annual Meeting ,
if the weather
permits this. .

Dan Fargen was on the agenda concerning the organized trail ride
for 2 times in 2011
in Bear Creek. He wants a longer trail ride and to go to White Mound Park..

The state housing report needs to be completed and was given to
Harold, the
building inspector for the township. .

Brent Winkers was on the agenda concerning his survey of his
property. Papers
were approved. These need to be passed by the Planning Commission before
comin-g to the board. .

Fire Audit forms were completed by the clerk and the fire
chiefs so we get the
fire dues.

Voter registration forms are here and we will continue to
complete these at the
Spring Elections.

We have 3 trained by the state for the election processes,
Phyllis , Judy, and Eileen to
be Chief Inspectors. Will get Lucille and Ken trained also in the
next 2 years..Clerk is
trained but doesn’t work at the elections as a poll worker , only in

The PILT monies was distributed to the area schools and county..

Renewal of the Quick Books Payroll Program needs to be ordered .

The District Town’s Association meetings were held with Eileen,
Marty, Harold,
Sheila , and Jeff attending.

.The schools were paid for their February payment by February 20th..

The Spring Primary was held February 16th and there were 41 voters.

Eileen and Sheila attended the District Clerk’s meeting in Monona.

All bids on road projects have to be paid prevailing wages for
given areas, a new state

Motion to adjourn the meeting was made at 10:07 P.M. by Harold
Emerson , 2nd by
Jeff Scallon , and carried. Chairman McCluskey adjourned the meeting.

Recorded this 1st day of March 2011 by Clerk
of Bear Creek Township
Mrs. Lawrence (Eileen) Eberle

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