Friday, January 31, 2014

Approved December 2013 Minutes

                     December 3,2013
      The Township of Bear Creek held its regular monthly meeting Tuesday
 December 3rd, 2013 at the Bear Creek Town Hall with the meeting called to
order at 8:00 P.M. by Chairman Marty McCluskey.
     Present included : Harold Emerson and Jeff Scallon, Supervisors; Sheila
Tafs, Treasurer; Tim McCluskey, Patrolman; , and Eileen Eberle, Clerk.
     Minutes to the last meeting were read by the Clerk. Motion to approve as
 read  was made by Harold Emerson  , 2nd, and carried.
     Treasurer’s report was given by the treasurer.Motion to approve as
 presented by Jeff Scallon , 2nd, and carried.
    Road work being done was discussed. Sand, salt,etc. ordered for the
winter season.
       The levies were all in the township for the schools and the taxes were
 at the county after  Thanksgiving to be run.The clerk needs to complete the
tax roll book, complete the Statement of Taxes before the 3rd Monday in December,
 and complete the levy report for the Department of Natural Resources so we get
 the  “In Lieu of Taxes” money.
      The tax sheet needed to be completed and sent to the state that we are
 compliant with our tax levy.
    Pay for meetings is  $35.00 per meeting. Chairman salary of $2,000.00 per
year. Supervisor 1 and Building Inspector salary is $1,800.00. Supervisor 2 salary
is $1,600.00 per year.
     A sheet was completed on the school levies, news of upcoming events in the
township and copies to go out with the taxes. Also the new recycling sheet for
 2014. This was the Spring Newsletter and sent out with the taxes.
      Lottery credit and First Dollar sheets were run for the board.
     Motion was made by  Jeff Scallon , 2nd , and carried   to close the Township
 books as of  December 31,2012  for 2012.
    The tobacco selling permit papers were completed and sent to the state.
Even if we have no permits out.
     The ballots were ordered for the February 18th election and the April 1st election.
     Clerk to have the W-2s ready by the next meeting  . Also new binders for the board
for 2014
      The patrolman was given a Holiday Bonus.
      The election board was approved for the next 2 years.  Members attended a training
in Baraboo. Eileen, Phyllis, Judy. Ken, and Cathie.
      The patrolman is to be paid 1/2 of his insurance in January and 1/2 in July of amounts
of $1,290.00 each time.
      $20,000.00 was moved from the regular account into the machinery account as
 budgeted for the year. Motion made to do this by Jeff Scallon, 2nd, and carried.
Treasurer moved this at the bank.
       The January meeting was set for Thursday January 9,2014 as the clerk’s son
 was having heart surgery on the regular day of the meeting.
   We lost a very dear person in Bear Creek who had served on the election board and was
the beloved wife of board member Harold Emerson. Our most hreatfelt condolences to Harold
and his family at the loss of Emmogene.
        Bills were paid as presented and approved by the board.
     Motion was made   at 9:00  P.M. by Harold Emerson to adjourn the meeting, 2nd
and carried. Chairman McCluskey adjourned the meeting.
   Recorded this 3rd  day of  December , 2013 by Clerk of  Bear Creek Township
                           Mrs. Lawrence  (Eileen)Eberle

Harold provided the group with a Holiday tree and music.. Happy holidays to all.

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