Monday, July 25, 2011

Unapproved minutes to July Town Board Meeting of Bear Creek


The Township of Bear Creek held its regular monthly meeting Thursday July 7th,
2011 at the Bear Creek Town Hall with the meeting called to order at 8:00 P.M. by
Chairman Marty McCluskey.

Present included : Harold Emerson and Jeff Scallon, Supervisors; Sheila Tafs,
Treasurer; Tim McCluskey, Patrolman; Dan Fargen , and Eileen Eberle, Clerk.

Minutes to the last meeting were read by the Clerk. Motion to approve as read was
made by Harold Emerson , 2nd, and carried.

Treasurer’s report was given by the treasurer.Motion to approve as presented by
Jeff Scallon , 2nd, and carried.

Road work being done was discussed..Culverts being put in and roadsides being
mowed. .

The Quarterly Reports are due at this time and to be completed in July by the

The Town Board was paid at the July meeting.

The Assessor and the Clerk have work on the town records at the county office
from the Board of Review . When finished these will then be forwarded to the state.

The Federal Insurance Audit has been completed for the IRS . .

Drea’s Bar licenses were issued to Pat McCliskey and paid for the year 2011. 2
operator’s licenses. No cigarette license .

The State Fire Dues are coming in July. These are now used for equipment . 90% to
be paid to Plain and 10% to be paid to Town of Washington.

Consumer’s Co-op sent contract on the amount of billings of propane for the winter
season. Marty had the contract. Harold made the motion to approve the contract , 2nd
and carried.The contract is in the amount of 2000 gallons. $3,698.00.

The August meeting was set for August 2, 2011

Dan Fargen was present to report on the trail ride of June 4th. Was a success. 25 mile
ride. 85% to 90% off road. Wants September ride.

Board of Review was held on Thursday June 9,2011 from 6:00 P.M. to 8:00 P.M.
or adjournment. There were no concerns.

. The Directories for the county were obtained and distributed.

Chairman to publish the letting of the road bids for 2011.

2nd half of the real estate taxes are due as of July 31,2011.

Bills were paid as presented and approved by the board.

Motion was made at 9:13 P.M. by Sheila Tafs to adjourn the meeting, 2nd and
carried. Chairman McCluskey adjourned the meeting.

Recorded this 7th day of July, 2011 by Clerk of Bear Creek Township
Mrs. Lawrence (Eileen)Eberle

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